Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Doctors Appointment

First- I went in there with no hope that anything had changed so I wouldn't set myself up for disappointment...

When I got weighed, I seriously about passed out! I gained 6 pounds (BUT I have an explanation for this, since I haven't changed my eating habits since the first day I was pregnant and no I didn't stop by McDonald's every single time I passed one ha ha). Then they checked my blood pressure and it was high 140/90... not good! The bottom number is the most concerning any time it up over 90 you should go in. Luckily, I was already there!

This past week, I have had such an increase in swelling, that I don't recognize my legs, hands, feet, ankles or face! I look like and feel like a marsh mellow!!! (Result= 6lbs of weight!)

He checked me and I have not dilated any- but I am 80% effaced. He said I should start dilating soon! Yippee!

He was very concerned with my swelling, blood pressure and my reflexes. He said I have every sign of preclampsia except protein in my urine. He is having me back in on Friday to reevaluate and if I have the same symptoms he is going to put me on bed rest, until I am 39 weeks and induce if I haven't gone into labor. He said if I develop protein then he will induce at 38 weeks... now it is just a waiting game. I really wish Presley would just come on her own and I wouldn't have to worry about the negativity of preclampsia. But we will take it one day at a time! I will know more Friday.

That is all I have today, more to come on Friday!

1 comment:

  1. So scary! Pre-eclampsia came on literally the day of my scheduled c-section. Everything was fine, and then everything was crazy! I'll say a prayer that she comes quickly and hopefully on her own :) Good luck!
