Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 1 of Bed Rest

First, I am trying a new app on iPhone to post this blog- so excuse any typos...

On Friday, I went back to the doctor so he could determine my faith, bed rest or no bed rest...

Bed rest was ordered! I still had all of the symptoms that I had on Tuesday... Actually, my blood pressure had peaked that morning before getting there (I have a home monitor- I am weird!).

Being the stubborn person I am, I had to go to work and finish up loose ends to prepare for maternity leave. This was the first time it felt real- I will not return to work until May! Weird, because that is my routine... However, work has been very gracious and is letting me work from home while I am on bed rest, for my sanity sake if anything!

So yesterday, was my first real day of rest... And I have to admit it was nice. I truly believe that my legs and ankles appreciate it! I can actually see that I have ankles! Maybe this doctor knows what he is talking about. I did have some times when my blood pressure was high, and didn't feel so well, but I felt like it was OK to rest and lay down without feeling lazy- so I guess that means more than anything!

I am anxious to see how this journey plays out and I am sure by Tuesday, I will be going stir crazy! I return to the dr on Tuesday, let's all pray that Miss Priss will corporate and I will be dialiated some!

Keep you updated...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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