Monday, April 19, 2010

1 Month

Presley's first month was such a whirlwind! Man, thinking back it flew by!

Presley wore preemie clothes for the first two weeks and newborn diapers. She was so tiny and so cute! She stayed awake for a couple hours at a time since birth, Miss Priss doesn't want to miss a thing. 

At her two week appointment she weird 7 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 inches long. At that appointment her jaundice hadn't went away completely so we had to go to the Sacred Heart Lab and get blood drawn. I was super nervous, but did really well. She slept through the whole thing :) What a good baby! 

I tried to breast feed in the hospital, but that method did not work out for us. We switched to formula and all was well with us. For the first two weeks she ate 2 ounces  consistently and occasionally she would eat 3. 

After two weeks, she really grew into her own. Started wearing size one diapers and newborn clothes. She was simply too long for premiee! Where does she get her height from?!? Mom and Dad aren't exactly the tallest people ha! Around the 4th week she started sleeping longer stretches, 3-4 hours. It is exhausting, but seeing her sweet face makes it perfect! 

I never knew how much my life could change in a short month. I am enjoying every single day with her! we have had a ton of visitors and it is simply amazing how much this little girl is loved. She is so blessed and doesn't even know it.

The whole family has adjusted, even the puppies! Roxy is so in love with "her" baby! She checks on her regularly and she makes sure I am taking care of her properly. If only she had hands-- she would be so much help =) 

I love being a mommy, but how could you not love that face....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In a attempt to catch this blog up and capture all my memories... I will start with Presley's birth and by far the best day of my life...

Ryan and I arrived at the hospital promptly at midnight! The drive there was surreal and I don't think either of us thought we would meet our sweet baby girl in a few but long hours :)

We checked in and they sent us up to labor and delivery- one of my most nervous moments... All I could think about is all the needles that would soon be stuck in me! We were greeted by a wonderful nurse, Shannon, she was our age and made us feel welcome. They started my IV and then hooked me up to the pitosin around 2. They also hooked me up to a contraction monitor and I was already having contractions, but they were spratic and I was only 1 cmm yuck! Boy did that change quick...

By 4 I was having strong contractions and had progressed to 3 cm! At this point , I need to add that Ryan was passed out snoring, yes, snoring! And, I was completely miserable and on tears! I requested pain meds and they called in my epidural! I have never in my life been so excited
to get stuck by a needle (I think they could have stuck it in my eye and I wouldn't have cared wink)! After I got the epidural, I progressed to 6 cm in an a hour and they assured me I would have her by lunch- boy were they wrong! By 7 am I was 9 cm and the doctor was breaking my water and I was preparing to push! At 8 am I started pushing and the Miss was born at 8:38! :)

She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces 19.5 inches long, and she was absolutely perfect!

There is NO way I can put into words the way it felt when I laid eyes on that little human God created! If you don't believe in God, that is the moment you will it was absolutely amazing!

After she was born, the frenzy began and she meet all of her family, her "aunties" and friends!

Here is a picture from that amazing day!

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