Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 1 of Bed Rest

First, I am trying a new app on iPhone to post this blog- so excuse any typos...

On Friday, I went back to the doctor so he could determine my faith, bed rest or no bed rest...

Bed rest was ordered! I still had all of the symptoms that I had on Tuesday... Actually, my blood pressure had peaked that morning before getting there (I have a home monitor- I am weird!).

Being the stubborn person I am, I had to go to work and finish up loose ends to prepare for maternity leave. This was the first time it felt real- I will not return to work until May! Weird, because that is my routine... However, work has been very gracious and is letting me work from home while I am on bed rest, for my sanity sake if anything!

So yesterday, was my first real day of rest... And I have to admit it was nice. I truly believe that my legs and ankles appreciate it! I can actually see that I have ankles! Maybe this doctor knows what he is talking about. I did have some times when my blood pressure was high, and didn't feel so well, but I felt like it was OK to rest and lay down without feeling lazy- so I guess that means more than anything!

I am anxious to see how this journey plays out and I am sure by Tuesday, I will be going stir crazy! I return to the dr on Tuesday, let's all pray that Miss Priss will corporate and I will be dialiated some!

Keep you updated...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Doctors Appointment

First- I went in there with no hope that anything had changed so I wouldn't set myself up for disappointment...

When I got weighed, I seriously about passed out! I gained 6 pounds (BUT I have an explanation for this, since I haven't changed my eating habits since the first day I was pregnant and no I didn't stop by McDonald's every single time I passed one ha ha). Then they checked my blood pressure and it was high 140/90... not good! The bottom number is the most concerning any time it up over 90 you should go in. Luckily, I was already there!

This past week, I have had such an increase in swelling, that I don't recognize my legs, hands, feet, ankles or face! I look like and feel like a marsh mellow!!! (Result= 6lbs of weight!)

He checked me and I have not dilated any- but I am 80% effaced. He said I should start dilating soon! Yippee!

He was very concerned with my swelling, blood pressure and my reflexes. He said I have every sign of preclampsia except protein in my urine. He is having me back in on Friday to reevaluate and if I have the same symptoms he is going to put me on bed rest, until I am 39 weeks and induce if I haven't gone into labor. He said if I develop protein then he will induce at 38 weeks... now it is just a waiting game. I really wish Presley would just come on her own and I wouldn't have to worry about the negativity of preclampsia. But we will take it one day at a time! I will know more Friday.

That is all I have today, more to come on Friday!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dr. Appointment

3 weeks to go...

Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment! I was really really excited... until Dr. Bad News got done with me.

First, I gained 4 more pounds (8 pounds in 1 month- WHOA! 28 total!) That was depressing to say the least, but I have came to the conclusion that if I am going to gain weight I am going to enjoy it-- Mcflurries here I come HA!

At this appointment, Dr. A was checking for position, weight and all the other routine things. Good news is Presley has turned and is now head down- well she is sitting diagonal now, but not breach.

Bad news- Girlfriend weighs 6.5- 7 pounds! Doesn't seem like that much, but I have 3 weeks until my due date and that is 1/2 pound a week= 8.5 pound baby!!! I was in shock! I just had in my mind what she weighed and that wasn't it...

Not only did he deliver that shocking news, but he decided to share with me his policy on due dates and inductions. He said he would let me go past my due date if my cervix isn't prepped (dilated). At this moment in the conversation, I half hearted asked for a new doctor ha ha! It wasn't exactly my idea of a good visit, but it was a reminder that she is healthy (VERY Healthy!)

I haven't wrote about this, but last week I had to go in to the hospital to get monitored for high blood pressure. I had a lot of swelling in legs, feet, hand & face along with a headache. When I initially checked my BP was 150/89 a little high and the doctor told me to go on in just to be safe. After I was there, it returned back to my normal range and they sent me home. Dr. A said it was normal and I did the right thing to keep an eye on it. I have very little swelling now and feeling much better!

I have tons of cramping and braxton hicks, and my stomach stays tight for about 80% of the day-- According to the doctor this is a good sign that I am getting prepared, but I am not getting my hopes up, I have learned my lesson :) My wish is that I will go into labor naturally within the next 3 weeks- and we will not have to worry about induction... please pray, I really don't want to hurt my doctor ha ha!

Come on Presley, everyone is waiting some more patiently than others....

Monday, February 15, 2010

36 Weeks!

3 weeks and 2 days remain until my due date... And I am so excited!!

I will admit, these past few weeks have been very hard for me. I have a ton of emotions and they have been very hard to compartmentalize and move on! (At this moment I am hearing the Jamie Foxx song "Blame it on the Alcohol", but instead of alcohol I am hearing HORMONES haha) I am just anxious, aggravated, miserable, excited, happy- all at the same time, how can that be possible? Today driving into work I was feeling really down and not very excited about starting the work week. Mostly, because I am tired and have nausea and heartburn creeping back in and it would be much easier for me to stay in bed and rest my feet! I guess I was mostly just feeling bad for myself! So when I got to work, I was reading, a weekly read for me, and I came across a great article and made me realize what this is really about and I should soak up these last few weeks and be thankful that God has given me the blessing of carrying a child. These last few weeks I need to take this life in and enjoy to small things like having Ryan to myself (instead of bickering at him), because when Presley comes she will be his girl too, Love Roxy and Kyson a little more, I need to do what I want when I want because after Presley it is her schedule, I need to enjoy long showers, rest when I feel like resting, watch TV etc... Because it won't be like this for long!! Here is the list from the article:

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.
2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.
3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.
4. You respect your body ... finally.
5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.
7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.
9. Your heart breaks much more easily.
10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
11. Every day is a surprise.
12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)
13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
14. You become a morning person.
15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

Other things in Life!

Ryan started a new job at Navy Federal Credit Union last Monday! HOORAY!! He is very excited about the opportunities that the company has to offer. It makes me happy to see him excited to get up and go to work :) Not to mention, the perfect timing.

We did our tax return last night and we are getting back almost $2,000.00, talk about excited! For the past 3 years, we had to pay!! I guess we are just getting all our money back!

Now, I am a true believer in old wives tales and they say good things happen in 3's- That means the only thing lacking is our baby girl!! :) Come on Presley!