Oh my Dear Presley... you are getting so big!! Where do I even start?!?
It is hard to believe this time last year, I wasn't even pregnant and now I have a two month old!!
What she's wearing:
What she's wearing:
Size 1 diapers
Newborn onesies and pants
Newborn onesies and pants
Some 0-3 clothes
But, little Miss has long legs and most of all Newborn dresses are too SHORT!! They are more like MINI-dresses!!
What she is doing:
She LOVES LOVES LOVES mobiles... anything that spins around is her thing! And she can lay in her crib for an hour watching her mobile for hours, it is fabulous :)
She is smiling more and more each day! She smiles the biggest when she is getting her diaper changed, she loves it! She also loves her Daddy's voice. She really lights up when he talks to her. It is the cutest thing ;) I guess she gets tired of me all the time!!
She is smiling more and more each day! She smiles the biggest when she is getting her diaper changed, she loves it! She also loves her Daddy's voice. She really lights up when he talks to her. It is the cutest thing ;) I guess she gets tired of me all the time!!
She has the sweetest disposition and the prettiest smile (No, I am not bias, HA!)! 90% of the time she wakes up with a smile on her face, ready to face the day and that just makes me happy! She loves to be independent and sit on her own, she actually gets fussy if you hold her too long- and she puts herself to sleep every night, like a big girl!
She doesn't like to sleep much, because she don't want to miss a thing! She will fight you to the end to take a nap! She would rather stay up all day and take it all in. Pres loves her car seat, too! She likes going out and enjoys shopping :) And, if you know me, that makes me smile!!
Sleeping @ night:
she will go in 5 hours stretches. I put her down after her final bottle around 10:30 or 11 and she will sleep until 5:00 a.m. It isn't the best, but each week I see improvement.
She eats 3-5 ozs at each sitting. When she is awake she eats every 2 hours :) She likes to eat, what can we say!
During this month, I went back to work. My first week wasn't too hard... Ryan dropped her off each morning. I missed her like CRAZY, but I didn't shed a tear. I knew I had to be strong, because we don't have many options, as many of you know Ryan was out of work for 6 months, and we are still recovering from the loss... so to work I go!
However, this week has been a different story. Ryan's schedule has been changed and I will be doing morning drop offs. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. I didn't want to leave my smiling Princess to come to work... she was so happy and fun this morning! It was so hard, but I expect it will get better each day, I will keep you posted!
This picture is from her 2 month appointment!
10 lbs 8 ozs, 22 inches long And, she is in the 15-20 percentile on every measurement. The DR said she is short and little, so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Ryan and I aren't exactly the tallest people!

10 lbs 8 ozs, 22 inches long And, she is in the 15-20 percentile on every measurement. The DR said she is short and little, so I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Ryan and I aren't exactly the tallest people!
That's all for this month... on to 3 month milestones!
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