I had my first Mother's Day this year, and it was extra speical because I have learned to appreciate my Mom even more than I already did.
Being a Mom is such a blessing, I never knew how much it would change my life and I never knew how I could love something so much... This is coming from a person that at one point in my life didn't know if I ever wanted to experience Motherhood.
Things that I now value and understand:
When Mom said, "You don't understand, why now, but you will see," about all those things that she wouldn't let me do because she loved me too much. I will do everything in my power to keep Presley safe, even if it means that she is mad at me, because one day she will to realize and appreciate those times.
I never knew how valuable a good nights sleep really was... I just thought I was tired before. And, as Ryan pointed out yesterday, I will be tired for at least the next 18 years...
I never knew how much Mom really loved me, not until now and I see how much I love Presley and I can only imagine that Mom feels that same about me.
I never knew how much Mom really loved me, not until now and I see how much I love Presley and I can only imagine that Mom feels that same about me.
I never knew how much you sacrafice. Most of the time, I even sacrafice my food, because I don't have time to eat. You sacrafice all "Me" time, because frankly, I don't want to miss a thing. I already miss so much being at work, I sure don't want to miss when I don't have too! I am sure this is a new mom thing, maybe?!? Now, I go into a store and I can't find one thing that I want to spend money on, but send me to the baby section and I can rack up! At this point, no one cares what I am wearing it is all about her!! I love showing her off.
So, this Mother's Day was extra special, because I actually truely appreciate everything my Mom has sacraficed for me and I love her even more now. I pray that Presley gets to become a Mom someday. And, I pray for all those women that want to be a Mom so badly are blessed with a baby. Because, this is really what it is all about...