3 weeks to go...
Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment! I was really really excited... until Dr. Bad News got done with me.
First, I gained 4 more pounds (8 pounds in 1 month- WHOA! 28 total!) That was depressing to say the least, but I have came to the conclusion that if I am going to gain weight I am going to enjoy it-- Mcflurries here I come HA!
At this appointment, Dr. A was checking for position, weight and all the other routine things. Good news is Presley has turned and is now head down- well she is sitting diagonal now, but not breach.
Bad news- Girlfriend weighs 6.5- 7 pounds! Doesn't seem like that much, but I have 3 weeks until my due date and that is 1/2 pound a week= 8.5 pound baby!!! I was in shock! I just had in my mind what she weighed and that wasn't it...
Not only did he deliver that shocking news, but he decided to share with me his policy on due dates and inductions. He said he would let me go past my due date if my cervix isn't prepped (dilated). At this moment in the conversation, I half hearted asked for a new doctor ha ha! It wasn't exactly my idea of a good visit, but it was a reminder that she is healthy (VERY Healthy!)
I haven't wrote about this, but last week I had to go in to the hospital to get monitored for high blood pressure. I had a lot of swelling in legs, feet, hand & face along with a headache. When I initially checked my BP was 150/89 a little high and the doctor told me to go on in just to be safe. After I was there, it returned back to my normal range and they sent me home. Dr. A said it was normal and I did the right thing to keep an eye on it. I have very little swelling now and feeling much better!
I have tons of cramping and braxton hicks, and my stomach stays tight for about 80% of the day-- According to the doctor this is a good sign that I am getting prepared, but I am not getting my hopes up, I have learned my lesson :) My wish is that I will go into labor naturally within the next 3 weeks- and we will not have to worry about induction... please pray, I really don't want to hurt my doctor ha ha!
Come on Presley, everyone is waiting some more patiently than others....
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Oh goodness...I hope she comes on her on very, very soon! That is one crazy doctor!! :) Praying for you!!
ReplyDeleteTell me about it! My next appointment is Tuesday, so hopefully I will be at least 1 cm dialted and we won't have to worry about going over my due date, because he will take me at 39 weeks!! It feels like forver waiting on Tuesday! I have been walking like a crazy women, yesterday I walked a mile, hopefully that helps :)