I left off last month saying that we would be moving into our new house, and we did! What an adventure is all I can say! I told Ryan we will DIE in this house- I AM NEVER MOVING AGAIN! I am so glad to have all that over with. It only took us 3 weeks, and we still have some things in the garage to put away, but overall we are finished and most things are decorated. We love the new house, it is so much more roomy than our old house, I have tons of space to fill up, which is a good thing since I plan on living there for the rest of my life *wink! Our next house project is the nursery! I am so anxious to get this going, I feel like I am running out of time...
I had a doctor's appointment on December 8th. I had to move it up because I wasn't feeling good at all. Come to find out I had a lingering virus. After a lot of sleep and two days, I was feeling much better. Then the next week, I got another virus and threw up for 24 hours... I have had plenty of viruses over my life, but let me tell you having a virus and being 6 1/2 months pregnant is NO fun!! It was interesting to balance eating... I will just leave it at that.
In between of moving, getting sick, work and going to the doctor we did have some fun :) We have been to one Christmas Party and I had a craft party at my house (Call me crazy, I know!) It is always fun to be around friends and family during this time of year!! Even though it doesn't seem like Christmas to me- Ryan and I don't even have a Christmas tree this year. I figured this is our last year to have a low key holiday season, for the rest of our lives Christmas will be so different and be a production!
My next appointment in December 23rd- this will be a fun and not-so-fun appointment. I have to be tested for diabetes (standard), but we will get to see Presley on a ultrasound! What a wonderful Christmas present.
As the days go by, I am getting more and more excited to meet Presley! It is going to be the best day of our lives and it can't come soon enough! I run around all the time trying to figure out how I am going to get everything done and even what I need to get done that I sometimes forget what the real reason for me doing this is , and it is something greater than I can ever imagine. I am so blessed to even have this experience some long for years or even forever to be in my position and I am determined to enjoy every single second of it regardless of the hard times.
Well, I will leave you all with a picture of my belly... It is starting to poke out there. It is funny when I look at this picture because I don't feel this big at all!
Craft Party Fun-

The girls hard at work!

Me and Lindsey!

That's all for today! Merry Christmas =)
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