On Wednesday, December 23rd we had a doctors appointment and ultrasound (Pictures to follow...) Everything went well! Mom, Amber, Meredith and Cooper got to come along! It was fun, except we used the doctor's machine and the quality was low! But, Dr. Andrew's assured me it was still a GIRL! Over the past few weeks, I have been worried about that. I also had a glucose test, YUCK! The actual drink was not that bad, I actually drink it in about 2 minutes... but then the dreaded blood work had to come. I did really well and didn't even shed a tear. For those who know, I am terribly afraid of needles and this was the very first time I didn't cry. The night before I could barely sleep, because I couldn't stop thinking about it. HA! I was very proud of myself. All in all it was a good appointment. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I gained 4 pounds, WHOA!! No worries, he said I was right on track. My appointments are every two weeks now...
That day we also visited Ryan's Dad and MawMaw in Defuniak. Whew... we had a long day!
Christmas Eve we spent with Ryan's family. Everyone came in from Missouri and Melbourne. We finally got to meet Baby Ava and she is a doll! It just makes me want Presley here even more!
Christmas was a lot of fun! Santa was very good to me. I got a new pocket video camera and Coach Purse from Ryan. I love them both and I have already uploaded a video of Cooper onto YouTube.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y1uHD-1PXE) He was cute this year playing with his new toys. Presley got him a Baby Einstein Piano that he really liked. Next year Cooper will be a year and 1/2 and Pres will be 9 months, it is going to be so fun at Mom's!
We also spent time at Lee and Cindy's- it is always so fun over there with everyone laughing! They got Presley some cute outfits, and Mawmaw made her the most beautiful things. I absolutely love them. I am pretty sure I have showed everyone that I have came in contact with. They are so gorgeous, I think she will take her newborn pictures in them. I just need a coordinating outfit!! Man I can't wait!!

In other news, we finally got the paint for the nursery! Now we just have to start. We are going to pick up the crib on Saturday! YAY, then it will finally all come together! I cannot wait...
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Looking forward to 2010 and all the wonderful things our God has in store for us. I know he creates tough times so we can appreciate the good times... I guess now we will just sit back and wait to see what he has in store.