Miss Priss is now 4 months and is growing like a weed!
13.7 pounds- 24 inches - 50th percentile in weight, height and head measurements
I will go ahead and tell you, she is the cutest 4 month old I have ever seen :)
Presley is such a joy to be around, 99% of her time is spent enjoying life. It just makes me happy to know that I have a baby that loves to interact and be a social butterfly. She doesn't want to miss a thing :)
She is now wearing 3 month- 6 month clothes depending on the outfit... Size 2 diapers... and has almost outgrown all of her infant headbands... don't worry we have plenty in her size :)
She is eating like a horse... She eats 4-6 ounces at every feeding, and starting tonight we are adding cereal to the mix. She is in LOVE!! She opens her mouth wide and gulps it down. At our last appointment, the DR told me to giver her a little juice (diluted in water- so mostly water with a little juice) and boy does she love it! I think she would rather eat that than her formula.
She is still sleeping pretty much through the night. We have taken a big step this past month and moved her from her bassinet in our to room to her own crib. I will admit, I was more heartbroken then her! Actually, I am still heartbroken-- I miss her at night! :( I guess it is apart of growing up... my baby is growing up... tear!
I am enjoying every second as a Mom. I truly believe it was my calling. I have never been happier-- she is my sunshine even on the most cloudy day. It is hard to believe that such a little being can bring so much joy to all the people around her... She is amazing :)