Yesterday I had my doctor's appointment, and I hoped it was my last prenatal appointment. Even though the thought leaves me a little sad. Pregnancy was a fun adventure (I enjoyed the majority of it, the end is hard, but I wouldn't change a thing...). I realize that Presley will never be ALL mine again, and I will never get to feel her hiccups in my tummy again SAD! Pregnancy isn't always beautiful with a big 'ole belly, huge ankles, sickness, etc... but it is something that I will miss!
Now on to the update...
I lost 5 pounds, due to the reduction in the swelling.... YES I can see my ankle bone YAHOO! My blood pressure was elevated, but within normal range. Heartbeat good. Measurement good. Dilation- BAD! I haven't progressed any from last week, a fingertip "maybe", UGHH!
Before and After Pics

However, the doctor gave me some options...
Since I have had the history with high blood pressure, swelling, etc. he wants to induce me while I am healthy and not wait until something happens. Plus, it is complete torture to leave me on bed rest...
So the big day is Sunday @ Midnight, so actually early Monday morning. I can't believe this time next week, I will bringing home a baby, SCARY, but I can't wait for this new adventure!!
And last a picture of Kyson- I caught him with Presley's baby! I couldn't help to think, Bad Boy, but you are too cute...