Tuesday, November 17, 2009

24 Week Doctor's Appointment

We had our November doctor's appointment this morning, and everything went great! I have gained 1 pound in the past 4 weeks (Total=13), and the doctor said that is normal. My blood pressure was great, measurements on target, and Presley's heartbeat was perfect. So overall a good appointment! Our next appointment is December 8th and it is the dreaded diabetes appointment... I have to drink a nasty glucose supplement and get my blood drawn (as you all know I am NOT looking forward to the blood!!). But on the upside, we will get an ultrasound! YAY I can't wait to see Presley again- it has been way too long!

Miss Priss is starting to move more and more each day. She moves mostly at night. Everyone says when you move during the day it rocks the baby to sleep, and that is why they only move when you are still. Who knows!?!

Our house, is still going well. We will get our final inspection by Wednesday. However, we have one hold up until we can finalize everything--They forgot to order our hardwood floors :( and they are on back order! Only we could get so lucky! Good news: they should be in by Wednesday or Thursday, so hopefully, we can stay on track.

Around our house, we are looking forward to the week of Thanksgiving for many reasons:

1. Family in town =)
2. Baby Ava will be born
3. I am off for the entire week! This momma needs a break ;)
4. Moving into our new house!

What a fun week! Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Everything is right on track for the house to be completed by Thanksgiving. Our builder gave us great news this week and said everything should be completed by the 13th and all the final inspections, including ours with the builder, should be completed by the 20th. Therefore, our move-in date is around the 21st! Yippie (Can you tell I am a little excited?!? ;)
I have some updated pictures... so enjoy!