Thursday, October 29, 2009

Presley Movement **Update**

I think... I think, I just felt Presley moving for the first time! It is hard to distinguish hunger and movement, but I am almost positive like 99%. What a fun experience. Everyone is right it felt like a butterfly tapping my tummy right above my belly button! So Exciting! I can't wait until I feel more!

Just wanted to document this occasion =)

On Sunday morning, Ms. Priss started kicking again. What a surprise and a fun feeling (From what I hear, I better be excited now, because at some point it won't be soo fun!) The first kick was so strong- and reassuring that she is doing well and loving her temporary home! She kicked a couple more faint times and I told Ryan to put his hand on my tummy so maybe he could feel her- and then she kicked so hard! He actually felt her ;) It was so exciting!

Friday, October 23, 2009

20 Weeks

This week we reached the halfway point!! 20 weeks down...20 weeks to go! This week we had a doctor's appointment and everything went smoothly. I have gained 10 pounds total- the doctor said that is perfect and my blood pressure was normal. We heard Presley's heartbeat and the doctor said, "Sounds like a Happy baby, and we like happy babies" ;) Let's hope that attitude continues when she arrives!
Around this week the baby weighs 10 1/2 ounces and is 6 1/2 inches long, about the length of a banana from head to foot. Before this week, the baby has always been measured from head to bottom.


Lower back pain- This just started two days ago, and man it is a killer. From what I read if I change my sleeping position and put pillows behind my back it should help relieve some of the pressure at night... I will keep you posted.

Night sweats- These happen a few times a week, but isn't too bad.

Increased appetitite- Hungry a lot... and I like to eat bigger meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner. According to the "books" I will start gaining about a pound a week in the coming weeks... watch out food.

Other than that, nothing to complain about. I am feeling good with lots of energy.


The House is coming along. The outside is compeletly finished =) and they have started the sheetrock. The painters will be able to start by next wednesday. We are still on track for a Thanksgiving finsh- crossing my fingers!

I can't wait for the house to be finished so I can start on the nursery. We bought the bedding and the crib, and are looking for the rest of the furniture, but that can wait until next year when we get all the house expenses out of the way.

Until next time...

Friday, October 16, 2009

19 Weeks

A month has flown by! Be prepared this will be a long one.
First, I want to start off by saying, being pregnant is a beautiful thing. Sure I have my bad days when I don't like getting fat, I have nothing to wear, I am moody, and I am always hungry, but overall I love it. I love thinking about meeting our precious baby, and how much love Ryan and I will have for God's little creation. It brings a happy tear* to my eye to even think about the first time I will see that precious baby and I am so excited to see Ryan's reactions and words! Man, I cannot wait.
Now on to the good stuff...

This week the baby is the size of a heirloom tomato. And my tummy is growing more and more each day, I barely recognize myself. I will say that waddling is fun and every pregnant women should take full advantage of their time to waddle ha ha and use pregnancy as an excuse not to wear heels! It has been nice!

Another thing I have noticed, people are so courtesy and nice when you are pregnant- it is amazing. Most Men treat you with the utmost respect. It is very heartwarming and I am very appreciative.

Over the past month we had an ultrasound and guess what?!? We found out the SEX! It was absolutely amazing-- As you know, I wanted a girl with all my heart (After that healthy part, ha ha). I prayed, I talked to my stomach and in my mind it has always been referred to as a girl or as Presley. Ryan in the beginning really wanted a girl also. BUT, he changed his mind late in the game and decided he wanted a boy! I guess I prayed harder and talked to the baby more because IT IS A GIRL!!

We also learned that she is very health and all of her measurements are perfect. We seen her brain, heart and kidneys. All are functioning properly. Her stomach and head are the right proportion, it was a relief to hear everything was great!

She is a stubborn little thing and already prissy! She crosses her legs non-stop- just at the ankles, like a proper lady ;) So Cute!! It seems like she already has a little personality- a little hard headed (She doesn't get that from her momma ;) but still sweet and innocent. O I can't wait. Ryan and I went to Babies R US and picked out the bedding and the crib- it was SOO much fun! =) And I love it. Can't wait to go back and register.

Well I think that is all for the baby update! Soon- I will post an update on the house! =)