I haven't posted in 4 weeks, but it seems so much longer!
I feel like 9 months has passed, man do I have a long way to go...
Our little peach is actually the size of a grape this week and over next few weeks it will grow to be a plum!

The first 9 weeks have been great, so I can't complain much. At first, it took a little time to get the symptoms down pat, but now I know what works and what doesn't. And, sure enough as soon as I think I got it figured out we will be heading into the second trimester!!
I have gained some weight-- Actually, I feel like a fat cow! But I will say I don't mind it that much, I just can't wait to get over the hump from looking fat to pregnant! =)
Nausea- still nothing unbearable and usually before I eat and 30 minutes after
Heartburn- Oh my it is bad! Sometimes it keeps me up at night...
Exhaustion- I am always tired (One night I went to bed at 7:30 and woke up at 7:00 the next morning and it was GLORIOUS!!)
Overall, not feeling bad, different, but not bad. I would say I am pretty lucky! I am looking foward to finding out the sex of the baby! I absolutely cannot wait. I think it is a girl... it feels like a girl and I even dream of little girls. But, it doesn't matter as long as it is a healthy baby!
Well, we haven't started on our house, but the process has started. This week we are getting permits! So everyone cross their fingers for us to start- we are on a fast timeline! The baby has to have a NURSERY!! haha